these models look amazing for a fnaf fan game
these models look amazing for a fnaf fan game
Thanks! I've been thinking about making some fake in-game screenshots once I finish other stuff that I'm working on!
brazil :)
Ah yes the alchool , makes you fall a sleep evry time
These are done really well
There is a big diference in detail betwen these 2 , and the fact that you waited a year shows how much you love what you are doing
The lil robot
greathe job for the ones in the colab
silver looks very depresed for some reason......
your not wrong.. silver does look very depressed...........
I remember waching jaiden when I was like 8 year old
Hi I am MateiGameTime I am a gamer and a
artist and I will like if you will follow,thanks
Joined on 7/5/22